Change – You Are Responsible For You

Change – You Are Responsible For You

by Rebecca Besser

2020 has been a year where nothing is normal. The year where everything you know has been changed. The year where everyone has changed in some way. Nothing will ever be exactly the same again. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing… Change is how we grow, and not all change is bad. Even positive change is sometimes painful. (And no, I’m not talking about the “New Normal.” That’s bullshit.) I’m talking about spiritual growth, intellectual growth, awareness growth, etc.

Everyone has either grown or gone defunct because they were unable to grow, change, and adapt. There have been a lot of choices made on a lot of different levels.

I hope you’ve been one of the people who have grown; I know I have.

I’ve always been an outlier…someone who thinks for themselves and doesn’t follow the crowd. A loner. A weirdo. Someone who has always been seen as a little different. And I’ve always been okay with that.

I don’t want to be part of the establishment. I don’t want to be part of the system that does things just to do them when no one knows why. I’m good not being a part of “we’ve always done it this way” and “go along to get along.”

That’s not me.

That will never be me.

I’m not going to do things because people say I should when there’s no good reason. I use my brain and question everything all the time. This also has me learning and changing all the time, as well.

It’s clear the deeper we get into 2020 that there are a lot of people that do go along to get along and do what they’re told without question.

It makes me sad.

I’m sad because people aren’t using their brains. I’m sad because people can’t think for themselves. I’m sad people don’t question things.

Everyone should question everything.

Do research.

You are responsible for you, what you know, and how you respond.

No one else is to blame for your decisions. Just you.

You are responsible for yourself and your life.

Stop believing everything you’re being told on the surface. Because, as someone who has been doing a lot of digging, I can tell you that you’re being lied to. We all are. And we have been for a long time.

Dig, learn, grow, question, stretch, test, rebel… Do anything except accept everything you’re told as fact. Research what you think is true and what you think isn’t. Then, decide for yourself what you believe.

Because, again, you are responsible for you.