Happy Thanksgiving weekend – Undead Series Ebooks

To celebrate Thanksgiving weekend, 2020, Undead Drive-Thru and Undead Regeneration by Rebecca Besser will be free to download on Kindle for a limited time! (Nov 25-29,2020)

Undead Drive-Thru:

When Kyndra, Colleen, and Jose apply for jobs at a diner that has seen better days and is undergoing renovations, they have no idea what they’re in for.

Aunt-B and John have a horrible secret, and when it’s unleashed on the unsuspecting employees of the diner, things get . . . complicated.

Bloodthirsty and dangerous, a zombie awaits the opportunity to feast on them all.

Who will be served first? Can any of them make it out of the Undead Drive-Thru alive?

Undead Regeneration:

The zombie is gone…finally and truly dead.

John and Ky try to get on with their lives, but they can’t. They are haunted by the past and it’s tearing apart their future.

With no other options, they go undercover where Sam had worked before he came home…undead: ReGen.

They struggle with their circumstances, their fears, and their relationship as they fight to tame their nightmares and create a happy and healthy future together.

Copyright © Rebecca Besser