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Coming Soon! Dark Tales from Elder Regions: NEW YORK from Myth Ink Books

Coming soon!

Dark Tales from Elder Regions: NEW YORK from Myth Ink Books

Cover pic of Dark Tales from Elder Regions: NEW YORK

Enjoy an excerpt from Gregory Norris’ story in this collection, The Sixth Borough:

Story art for The Sixth Borough by Gregory Norris
Story art for The Sixth Borough by Gregory Norris


“He laughed again, only a crazy note had crept into his voice. Cyrus turned his head, and his ear grazed the Blayne along one of those raised rectangles. Wetness trickled, itched. He’d spilled more blood in his attempt to reach the other side of the alley. Cyrus shifted his head again, aware of the ache that accompanied the itch, and of other painful jolts spreading across his body —both ankles, his flank, the bare hand, and one knee now twisted at an awkward angle. The far end of the alley loomed somewhere in the platinum-colored glow fltering in from the street. Dust swirled in layers of toxic ash disturbed by the treads of his boots.

“Bella Vista,” he moaned, speaking the name like an incantation in his attempt to remain calm.

At first, the spell worked. Then Cyrus tried to pull in air. His next breath stalled while still in his throat. His chest was pinned tight against the ancient ruddy scab of bricks protruding from 51 Hapsburg’s outer skin. One of his boots had jammed beneath the bent knee —source of the pulsing pain in his ankle.

He whispered the incantation once more, but when miracles failed to appear and the buildings refused to let go, freeing him from imprisonment and welcoming him to the Promised Land beyond, he swore a rosary of expletives.

Go back, Cyrus told himself.

The last breath boiled in his lungs, and his heart galloped, its cadence bounced off the Blayne Building’s cold concrete and broadcast through his bleeding ear. Back to Hapsburg Street, where he could breathe and, perhaps, see the clearer way through.

But the two buildings standing guard had already sipped of Cyrus Wellington’s blood, and it was clear they thirsted for more.”



About Gregory Norris:

He is a full-time professional writer, with numerous publication credits on his resume, mostly in national magazines and fiction anthologies. A former writer at Sci Fi, the official magazine of the Sci Fi Channel (before all those ridiculous Ys invaded), he once worked as a screenwriter on two episodes of Paramount’s modern classic, Star Trek: Voyager and is the author of the handbook to all-things-Sunnydale, The Q Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Alyson Books, 2008). In late 2009, two of his paranormal romance novels for Ravenous Romance (www.ravenousromance.com) were reprinted as special editions by Home Shopping Network as part of their “Escape with Romance” segment – the first time HSN has offered novels to their customers. In late 2011, his collection of brandy-new terrifying short and long fiction, The Fierce and Unforgiving Muse: A Baker’s Dozen From the Terrifying Mind of Gregory L. Norris was being published by Evil Jester Press. He has fiction forthcoming from the fine people at Cleis Press, STARbooks, EJP, The Library of Horror, Simon and Shuster, and Pill Hill Press, to name a few.

Visit his blog:



Dark Tales from Elder Regions: NEW YORK will be available for pre-order by Halloween!

Learn more about Myth Ink Books on their website:


©Gregory L. Norris & Myth Ink Books, 2014. All rights reserved.