Tag Archives: serial killer thriller

Nurse Blood – Bonus Content

Bonus Material – Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser

Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser
Click on cover pic to visit title on Amazon!

By Rebecca Besser

Agent Croce watched the man she and Agent McCoy had arrested at the hospital through the one way mirror. He looked pathetic. He’d started crying when they’d clamped the cuffs on him. For his one call, he’d dialed an unlabeled number in his cell phone. From his constantly deteriorating mental state, she assumed he couldn’t get a hold of whomever he’d been trying to contact. They’d run the number and discovered it was an untraceable burner; Agent Limmon was trying to track down the towers the number had used while in the area. They suspected it was someone he’d been working with, probably the nurse.

“I think it might have been her phone,” Limmon said, entering the small room and looking in on the prisoner as well. “He had direct contact with her – we know that for a fact. The pings I found put her in the area of the Housen abduction and the surrounding areas. It doesn’t tell me exact locations, but I know she was close enough to have a good probability of being who we believe her to be.”


Croce nodded. “Thank you.”

Limmon watched the diminished man chained to a table in the connecting room. “He would have made an easy target. He might be a patsy.”

“That’s what I was thinking,” Croce said. “I think the woman used him and left him to take the fall. You coming in with me?”

Limmon nodded. “Sure. I would love to hear what this bastard has to say for himself firsthand. Who knows, maybe he’ll give us another clue.”

Croce opened the door to enter the interrogation room and stepped through to approach their prisoner.

Limmon followed her and closed the door behind himself.

Croce sat down across from the man they were preparing to interrogate and opened the file she’d been holding.

Limmon stood back a little from the table and slightly to the side to observe.

“Miles Gardner,” she said, “we know you’ve been involved with an organ harvesting team. We know you’ve been in contact with a blonde woman, and that she’s your main contact with this group of people. So, let’s make life easy for all of us…especially you. Tell us what you know about these people and we might be able to reduce your prison sentence.”

Limmon watched the man as she spoke – he seemed to slump down more and more with each word. The man seemed to know he was defeated, that there was no hope. He almost felt sorry for the man…almost.

When Miles didn’t respond, Croce spoke again.

“Let’s start out simply,” she said. “What’s the woman’s name?”

“Sonya,” Miles muttered.

“I’m sorry,” Croce said. “What did you say?”

For the first time Miles lifted his head and looked the agent in the eyes – his were filled with tears.

“Her name is Sonya,” he said in a shaky voice. “She said she loved me…” He broke down and started sobbing openly as he cried.

Knowing that the interview was being video and audio recorded, Croce didn’t pause to write it down.

“Is Sonya her real name?” she asked.

“I don’t know…” he gasped out.

“Do you know her last name?” Croce asked. Of course she knew the woman’s name from the files they’d collected at the hospital, but she wanted confirmation.

“Garret,” he said, nodding.

“Do you know where she lives?”

Miles nodded and leaned forward to wipe tears off his face with his tethered hands.

Croce slid a pen and piece of paper across the table to him.

“Please write it down for me.”

He complied, sniffling.

Croce handed the paper to Limmon when Miles slid it and the pen back across the table.

Limmon read it and nodded to Croce; it was the address they had for Sonya from the hospital’s employee files. He turned, opened the door to the adjoining room, stepped through, closed the door, and pulled out his cell phone. He called Agent McCoy to let him know that the name and address they had for the woman was the right information.


After ending the call, he reentered the interrogation room.

“…I don’t know if any of the names I know are their real names,” Miles squeezed out between sobs. “I don’t know their addresses or anything else. The only places I saw Sonya was at work, at her house, and the building.”

“You know where the building they were using is?” Limmon blurted out, unable to stop himself.

“Yes,” Miles said with wide eyes, surprised by the sudden outburst from the usually silent man.

Croce slid the paper and pen back across the table to Miles. While he was writing, Croce looked up at Limmon, smiled, and winked.

He grinned down at her.

They were finally getting somewhere in the investigation that had been stale for too long. They finally felt like they had a chance at catching the perps who always seemed just out of their reach.


©Rebecca Besser, 2016. All rights reserved.

Nurse Blood – Bonus Content

Bonus Material – Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser

Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser
Click on cover pic to visit title on Amazon!

By Rebecca Besser

Agent Croce watched the man she and Agent McCoy had arrested at the hospital through the one way mirror. He looked pathetic. He’d started crying when they’d clamped the cuffs on him. For his one call, he’d dialed an unlabeled number in his cell phone. From his constantly deteriorating mental state, she assumed he couldn’t get a hold of whomever he’d been trying to contact. They’d run the number and discovered it was an untraceable burner; Agent Limmon was trying to track down the towers the number had used while in the area. They suspected it was someone he’d been working with, probably the nurse.

“I think it might have been her phone,” Limmon said, entering the small room and looking in on the prisoner as well. “He had direct contact with her – we know that for a fact. The pings I found put her in the area of the Housen abduction and the surrounding areas. It doesn’t tell me exact locations, but I know she was close enough to have a good probability of being who we believe her to be.”


Croce nodded. “Thank you.”

Limmon watched the diminished man chained to a table in the connecting room. “He would have made an easy target. He might be a patsy.”

“That’s what I was thinking,” Croce said. “I think the woman used him and left him to take the fall. You coming in with me?”

Limmon nodded. “Sure. I would love to hear what this bastard has to say for himself firsthand. Who knows, maybe he’ll give us another clue.”

Croce opened the door to enter the interrogation room and stepped through to approach their prisoner.

Limmon followed her and closed the door behind himself.

Croce sat down across from the man they were preparing to interrogate and opened the file she’d been holding.

Limmon stood back a little from the table and slightly to the side to observe.

“Miles Gardner,” she said, “we know you’ve been involved with an organ harvesting team. We know you’ve been in contact with a blonde woman, and that she’s your main contact with this group of people. So, let’s make life easy for all of us…especially you. Tell us what you know about these people and we might be able to reduce your prison sentence.”

Limmon watched the man as she spoke – he seemed to slump down more and more with each word. The man seemed to know he was defeated, that there was no hope. He almost felt sorry for the man…almost.

When Miles didn’t respond, Croce spoke again.

“Let’s start out simply,” she said. “What’s the woman’s name?”

“Sonya,” Miles muttered.

“I’m sorry,” Croce said. “What did you say?”

For the first time Miles lifted his head and looked the agent in the eyes – his were filled with tears.

“Her name is Sonya,” he said in a shaky voice. “She said she loved me…” He broke down and started sobbing openly as he cried.

Knowing that the interview was being video and audio recorded, Croce didn’t pause to write it down.

“Is Sonya her real name?” she asked.

“I don’t know…” he gasped out.

“Do you know her last name?” Croce asked. Of course she knew the woman’s name from the files they’d collected at the hospital, but she wanted confirmation.

“Garret,” he said, nodding.

“Do you know where she lives?”

Miles nodded and leaned forward to wipe tears off his face with his tethered hands.

Croce slid a pen and piece of paper across the table to him.

“Please write it down for me.”

He complied, sniffling.

Croce handed the paper to Limmon when Miles slid it and the pen back across the table.

Limmon read it and nodded to Croce; it was the address they had for Sonya from the hospital’s employee files. He turned, opened the door to the adjoining room, stepped through, closed the door, and pulled out his cell phone. He called Agent McCoy to let him know that the name and address they had for the woman was the right information.


After ending the call, he reentered the interrogation room.

“…I don’t know if any of the names I know are their real names,” Miles squeezed out between sobs. “I don’t know their addresses or anything else. The only places I saw Sonya was at work, at her house, and the building.”

“You know where the building they were using is?” Limmon blurted out, unable to stop himself.

“Yes,” Miles said with wide eyes, surprised by the sudden outburst from the usually silent man.

Croce slid the paper and pen back across the table to Miles. While he was writing, Croce looked up at Limmon, smiled, and winked.

He grinned down at her.

They were finally getting somewhere in the investigation that had been stale for too long. They finally felt like they had a chance at catching the perps who always seemed just out of their reach.


©Rebecca Besser, 2016. All rights reserved.

Nurse Blood – Goodreads Giveaway

I’m giving away two signed paperbacks
of Nurse Blood!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser

Nurse Blood

by Rebecca Besser

Giveaway ends October 31, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Enter for a chance to win one of two signed, paperback Limitless Publishing First Editions of Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser!

Nurse Blood is a serial killer, organ harvesting thriller.

A team of medical professionals and thugs kidnap people from bars, kill them, and harvest their organs, blood, bones, and tissue to sell on the black market or donate for medical research.

The team kidnaps and harvests the twin brother of an FBI agent. The FBI agent makes it his life’s mission to find out what happened to his brother and to stop the team from harvesting their biggest score yet: a family with the rarest blood type in the world.


Nurse Blood – Cover Reveal and Pre-order

Are you ready to see the awesome Nurse Blood cover?

I hope so, because here it is in all its sexy, bloody glory!


Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser

Don’t you just love it? I know I do.

The Kindle version is now available for pre-order!

Click on the cover to be taken directly to
Nurse Blood’s listing on Amazon.

For more Nurse Blood fun and a chance at prizes, join the
release party on Facebook!

Limitless Publishing Acquires Nurse Blood by Rebecca Besser

Limitless Publishing acquires Rebecca Besser’s dark thriller Nurse Blood

Loiacono Nurse Blood Mock Cover

Based on true events.

A dark premise has been lurking in the fears of society for hundreds of years—body snatching.

A sexy thrill ride of deception and death for fans of suspense, thriller, mystery, horror, and true crime.

When a group of thugs, a black market dealer, and host of medical professionals begin kidnapping people—harvesting their organs and blood for profit and medical research—they do it to the wrong man…the brother of an FBI agent.

All the hoodlums are twisted and constantly trying to outsmart each other to stay alive while being relentlessly pursued by the FBI.

Twisted-sick love, hate, jealousy, greed and just plain evil, each one schemes to do the other in.

Rebecca Besser Author Pic

Rebbecca Besser has been published over 200 times in magazines, ezines, anthologies, literary journals (poetry & photography), nonfiction collections, and on blogs. Undead Drive-Thru, her first zombie novella, has been compared to the works of Stephen King and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. An anthology, which she edited and has a short story in, Earth’s End, won the Turning Pages Book of the Year 2012 Reader’s Choice Award in the Scifi category.


Published by Limitless Publishing www.limitlesspublishing.com

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency, Melissa Carrigee

©Rebecca Besser and Melissa Carrigee, 2015/2016. All rights reserved.